We are now in the process of developing a new range of panels at our Belgaum center. Udayan,. who is also part of the new team at Wonder Grass is developing a new range of panels which cann potentially be applied for variouos applicatons in a typical urban market.
The roof-panel, we are developing may not really work as full-fledged roofing alternative due to various inherent problems, but can certainly be used in varous other small-scale applications.

Interios Panels - visual barries
We are developing a seperate range of panels which are self-standing, can be movable and are available in some standard lengths. these panels can be used for various applications in and outside the building, from offices, residences, hotels etc.

Hey WG Team,
I like the half split bamboo design, but how have you made chopping out the nodes on the inside easier?
Well done Udayan!
hi alex,
yes thats the way. It has come out nice and all credit to Udayan and our artisan team of Pravin and vaibhav at Khanapur node.
Hi WG..,
Really liked this one..
But, still wonder why this cant be used for roofing..? I think, little more work on this would really make it a good roofing system..
Would like to have a look at this when i go to Belgaum..
Thanks for providing valuable information The way you explained cleared all the concepts. Definitely will be helpful for those looking for Alpha Roofing Melbourne
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